Tag: rant

Feeling bad does not make you bad

I woke up this morning thinking of the phrase “you are bad and you should feel bad” which is often bandied around the place, and how insidious it is as an instruction to self loath ourselves when we don’t live up to our values, make a mistake, or be human in any way. And yes, I am speaking for the general population here, because the people who are bad, well they don’t feel bad at all.

Let’s look at some truly bad people you know don’t feel the remotest bit bad (a non-exhaustive list):

  • Elon Musk
  • Donald Trump
  • Jair Bolsonaro
  • Giorgia Meloni
  • Nigel Farage
  • Posie Parker
  • Gina Rinehart
  • Katie Hopkins
  • Rodrigo Duterte
  • Millionaire religious leaders

I could keep adding to this list, but that’s not my point. All these people are bad (no, this is not a topic for debate) and they don’t feel even the slightest bit bad. They revel in their awful view of the world, in treating other people as less than them, and/or in making the world an objectively worse place in order to enrich themselves or for kicks. You’re not like that.

You feel bad about something you did or something that happened to you. The fact that you feel bad indicates that you are not a bad person. Bad people don’t feel bad about the shit they do or that happens to them (often because they’ve insulated themselves against bad shit happening to them through money or other methods). Feeling bad demonstrates that you have empathy, an internal value system, emotions, and an ability to consider what is right versus what is wrong.

And yes, it isn’t pleasant when you make a mistake or when you have done something that does not align to your values, but that doesn’t make you a bad person, it just makes you a person. Everyone else gets to make mistakes or have moments of poor judgement. If you can extend compassion to others who are feeling bad because they’ve fucked up in some way, then you need to try and extend that compassion to yourself. It is fucking hard work, but you are worth the effort.

And when bad things happen to you, you do not deserve them. The universe is a random event full or more random events. Bad things happening are part of that collection of randomness. Sadly fairness is a construct that we can aim to live our lives through, but that won’t stop bad random things happening to you. And some of us get more bad things happening to them than others, which is also unfair, but at no point does that make the person on the receiving end of bad things a bad person. Even when other bad people suggest that is the case.

So, please extend love, compassion and forgiveness to yourself, in the way that you do for other people. Feeling bad isn’t fun, but it is part of the experience of being a person. Being a person is hard sometimes, but without the collective of us, we wouldn’t get to enjoy friendship, love, fun, silliness and passion. Let the bad feelings pass and remember that you are not bad.

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The messages we get


Be quiet.  If you can’t say something nice, don’t say anything.  Silence is a virtue.  Don’t talk back.  Don’t make a scene.  Good things come to those who wait.  Be patient.


Don’t do that, do this.  Don’t do that, do this.  Don’t drink.  Don’t drive.  Don’t go to that neighbourhood.  Don’t go out at night.  Don’t be alone.  Don’t be alone with them.  Learn a martial art.  Be loud, shout.  Fight.  Don’t leave your drink unattended.  Don’t get drunk.  Don’t take any risks.  Plan everything.


Be nice to men.  Don’t be nice to women.  It’s a competition.  Dress like this, no like this, no like this.  Show more/less skin.  Don’t dress like that.  Don’t earn more than your boyfriend/husband.  Don’t be more educated than your boyfriend/husband.  Don’t be queer.  Be sexually available.  Don’t have sex on the first date.  Play hard to get.  Tease.  Flirt.  He didn’t mean it.  Why didn’t you leave?


It doesn’t matter that you earn less than men.  This is not a career path for women.  Don’t negotiate for a payrise, you’ll be seen as a bitch.  You’ll have a husband to support you in your retirement, so why care about super?  You don’t need to worry your pretty head about money and budgeting.


Your voice isn’t important.  Your opinions don’t matter.  This issue that affects you is better discussed by a man.  Men write better than you.  Men know more than you.  Your issue isn’t important.  You can only write/publish in the “women’s interest” areas.  No one would take you seriously if you wrote about politics/the economy/sport/violence.


As a man, I can speak personally about abortion.  You have no merit.  Institutional sexism is perfectly fine and we’re doing nothing to change it.  Your sex appeal is more important than your policies and ability to do your job.  Having children shows you’re a real woman.  Having children shows you cannot dedicate your full attention to politics.


You’re too skinny.  You’re too fat.  Exercise more.  Use this cream/lotion.  Don’t use that cream/lotion.  Eat this type of food.  Don’t eat that type of food.  Avoid carbs/protein/fat/everything.  Starve yourself thin.  Your body isn’t yours, it belongs to everyone else.  Do you feel ashamed to have your body yet?  You are beautiful.  You’re an ugly slut.


Be nice.  Don’t have self esteem.  Be confident.  Fake it until you make it.  Feel ashamed.  Be empowered.  Be patient.  Be kind.  Don’t be rude.  Don’t stand up for yourself.  Be cautious.


Women have more emotions than men.  Smile.  Don’t be angry.  Be calm.  Don’t cry.  Don’t scream.  Don’t be afraid.  Be afraid.  Women make no sense.  Women cannot be trusted to know their own feelings.


You belong at home.  You belong in the kitchen.  You belong with me.  You are mine.  You belong with the children.


Sound familiar?

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The Vatican and “reality”

Apparently the Vatican still having conniptions about the fact that the rest of the Western world is not listening to them and are continuing to recognise same-sex relationships, granting people who are attracted to those of the same sex rights equivalent to those who are opposite sex attracted.  And they just won’t stand for it – in order to let everyone know how unhappy they are, and how absolutely morally abhorrent they consider same-sex attraction to be, they came out and said (mid December 2012):

Monday’s edition of Osservatore Romano, the official newspaper of the Vatican, features a front-page editorial attacking French Catholic magazine Temoignage Chretien (“Christian Witness”) for supporting marriage equality. The editorialclaims that same-sex couples exist in “a different reality” because they are unable to conceive children, and goes on to claim that marriage equality is part of some socialist “utopia”:

Saying that marriage between a woman and a man is equal to that between two homosexuals is, in fact, a denial of the truth that affects one of the basic structures of human society, the family. We cannot base a society on these foundations without then paying a very high price as happened in the past when there was an attempt to achieve total economic and social equality. Why repeat the same mistake and chase after an unattainable utopia? [(emphasis in original) from ThinkProgress]

It’s taken me a while to write this because every time I’ve thought about it, I’ve just struggled to understand where exactly the Vatican thinks it exists, what century they think it is, and why they think that anyone is going to listen to a bunch of old men in frocks who think that same sex relationships, and the ordination of women are worse or equivalent sins to Catholic Priests raping children and and adults.

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