This is my body

This is my body
This is my skin
These are my curves,
My corners, my moves

I do not need you to tell me I am fat
It is impossible for me to ignore
I know from the way you look at me
I know from the way you look away

I do not need you to tell me I am fat
I know whenever I try to buy clothes
Try to find clothes that make me look good
Try to find clothes that are comfortable

I do not need you to tell me I am fat
I know because I do not fit in your space
I know because I always see what I am supposed to be
Far too many attempts are made to shame me for being who I am

I do not need you to tell me I am fat
I know
You think my size is down to choice
or weakness
You judge my body and me for it’s outward appearance

I do not need you to tell me I am fat
My body belongs to me and only I know it
I know how to move in it
I know how to make it feel good
I know how strong I am

I do not need you to tell me I am fat
I am far more than a number on a scale
I am far more than the size of my clothing
I am far more than the judgement you make based on how I look

In the end
When you judge me
For things I can or cannot control
When you judge me
Based on your fears of your own body
When you judge me
For failing to meet some imaginary standard of beauty
You lose

You lose a friend
You lose a lover
You lose a mentor
You lose someone who could make a difference

This is my body
This is my skin
These are my curves,
My corners, my moves

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